
Zoe Warlow

EYFS & Key Stage 1 Lead

Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) team at Cann Bridge comprises of Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Meal-Time Assistants who work daily with pupils of nursery and reception age. Staff from the EYFS team have opportunities to contribute to a regularly updated action plan.

The EYFS Leader is responsible for the policies and developments across the Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS Leader works closely with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure all statutory duties for the EYFS are in place. The EYFS team work with the school’s Family and Learner Support Advisor (FaLSA) to support pupils’ transitions into school. The EYFS receives support and input from the LA Early Years Improvement Officers to ensure that practice is of a high standard and is continuously improving.

At Cann Bridge we offer an inclusive and aspirational EYFS curriculum that provides high-quality learner-focused teaching, preparing children for the next stage in education.

Guided by the four EYFS principles and promoting the Characteristics of Effective Learning, our curriculum acknowledges and builds upon children’s own experiences and individual needs.  We combine interest-led and themed teaching approaches to enhance their knowledge and skills development.

Our curriculum covers all seven areas of learning:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The curriculum places particular focus on the prime areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Communication skills and vocabulary development are woven into all aspects of our teaching, alongside nurturing personal, social, and emotional growth. Our priority is to foster children’s communication abilities and independence, ensuring they leave the early years provision as confident, communicative, and independent learners and prepared for Key Stage 1.

We provide children with a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters key relationships and supports a positive transition from home and nursery to full time schooling.  Collaborating closely with families and multi-agency professionals, we ensure children receive the necessary support to succeed and reach their full potential.

To learn more about the Early Years Foundation Stage please click here. 


Key Stage 1

The curriculum at Key Stage 1 builds on the strong foundations established within the Early Years department still using the continuous provision model. Continuous provision is constant, well-resourced, enclosed or clearly defined learning spaces which enable a breadth of learning possibilities to support engagement, independence, collaboration, self-confidence, resilience and curiosity. The continuous provision areas include a comfortable and enticing reading corner, a role play area, small word play, messy play, a construction area and designated activity areas to develop both gross and fine motor skills. The loose part play area encourages learners to engage in experimental play and encourage curiosity using everyday objects rather than specific toys. The continuous provision offer changes to reflect and reinforce specific skills and knowledge planned in the curriculum long-term plan.

In Key Stage 1 the adult-directed learning introduces specific and essential knowledge in preparation for more formalised subject-based learning. We also deliver short bursts of structured teaching and learning in English, Phonics,

Maths, PSHE, Humanities, Science, Art, Music and PE as learners become developmentally ready. Our learners continue to be assessed against the B² Early Steps framework. Alternatively, learners will access the Engagement Pathway which actively encourages learners to explore the 5 areas of engagement: Exploration, Realisation, Anticipation, Persistence and Initiation.

We support our learners to develop their independence and self-help skills, through backward chaining, breaking down EHCP goals into attainable targets. This is achieved through Personalised Learning Goals. Learners freely explore a range of motivating and engaging learning opportunities that are skilfully facilitated by adults who are aware of intended learning outcomes and individual next steps. Taught knowledge is applied in a range of play-based and real-life contexts to ensure flexibility, transferable knowledge and skills and depth of understanding.

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