The School has a number of policies regarding GDPR, subject access requests and the manner in which any data breach that may occur would be managed. Links to these polices are available below as well as the form required should you wish to make a Subject Access Request or Freedom of Information Request.
All Data Breaches should be notified to the school as soon as identified.
Data Protection Officer: Judicium Consulting Limited
Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Telephone: 0345 548 7000 option 1 then option 1 again
Lead Contact: Craig Stilwell
The information provided by Cann Bridge School on our website is for general information purposes and provided in good faith. Users should ensure that before downloading any documents from this website that they ensure appropriate security is in place on their systems and to check for viruses before downloading. We cannot take any responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind as a result of the use of or by downloading any materials from this site, including any damage to hardware or loss of data. Use of this website is done at the user’s own risk.
All downloads from this website are the works of Cann Bridge School and the download of such works should be for the user’s access only. Downloads should not be misused, including copying, sharing or altering the material in any way.
The School has a number of policies regarding GDPR, subject access requests and the manner in which any data breach that may occur would be managed. Links to these polices are available below as well as the form required should you wish to make a Subject Access Request or Freedom of Information Request.
All Data Breaches should be notified to the school as soon as identified.
Data Protection Officer: Judicium Consulting Limited
Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Telephone: 0345 548 7000 option 1 then option 1 again
Lead Contact: Craig Stilwell
The information provided by Cann Bridge School on our website is for general information purposes and provided in good faith. Users should ensure that before downloading any documents from this website that they ensure appropriate security is in place on their systems and to check for viruses before downloading. We cannot take any responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind as a result of the use of or by downloading any materials from this site, including any damage to hardware or loss of data. Use of this website is done at the user’s own risk.
All downloads from this website are the works of Cann Bridge School and the download of such works should be for the user’s access only. Downloads should not be misused, including copying, sharing or altering the material in any way.
The School has a number of policies regarding GDPR, subject access requests and the manner in which any data breach that may occur would be managed. Links to these polices are available below as well as the form required should you wish to make a Subject Access Request or Freedom of Information Request.
All Data Breaches should be notified to the school as soon as identified.
Data Protection Officer: Judicium Consulting Limited
Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Telephone: 0345 548 7000 option 1 then option 1 again
Lead Contact: Craig Stilwell
The information provided by Cann Bridge School on our website is for general information purposes and provided in good faith. Users should ensure that before downloading any documents from this website that they ensure appropriate security is in place on their systems and to check for viruses before downloading. We cannot take any responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind as a result of the use of or by downloading any materials from this site, including any damage to hardware or loss of data. Use of this website is done at the user’s own risk.
All downloads from this website are the works of Cann Bridge School and the download of such works should be for the user’s access only. Downloads should not be misused, including copying, sharing or altering the material in any way.